How to Compose a Photo Pt.2

Aligning elements of a scene into a pleasing composition is all about angles and points of view. Another way of saying it is ‘where and how you place yourself and the camera’. You then combine things like depth of field and focal length to tweak the image and make it eye catching.

Look at these two photos of the same thing in the same place. One composition is a bit of a mess and the other is much better set out. And we didn't move anything that's in the photo - it's all down to composing the photo carefully.

It's so easy to re-align items in a composition it's not true. I promise you'll be itching to try this out for yourself when you've seen the video. (For an intro into composing better phots by aligning this watch how to compose a photo part 1.)

I know it sounds complicated. Just watch the video and you’ll see how ridiculously easy it is to move things around in your camera’s viewfinder so they align into stunning compositions you’ll love to show off.

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3 Landscape Tips

vietnam-txt-streamLandscape photography is one of those areas where patience, thinking it through and taking your time pays dividends.  We have all seen a scene we want to capture but sadly we’re in a hurry, so we leap out the car and just grab a shot without giving it too much thought.

This may or may not result in a great shot. But have you thought to ask yourself if there’s more to be had from a location than the obvious? You have to build upon an initial idea. Explore possibilities.

I was in Vietnam driving through the mountains when we came upon this amazing view of rice terraces. We stopped so the film crew could shoot some aerial shots with their drone so Simon and I took the opportunity to look around and shoot this video.

As we drove up the hill I’d noticed one of the little paths that wind their way through the paddies so we went for a walk to see what it would yield.

Almost straight away we came upon some greenery we could use as foreground, which can frame a scene and give it more depth. In some cases just finding a bit of foreground can make or break an image.

But don’t forget to look around you. It’s all to easy to miss a beautiful detail of the landscape that’s right next to you because you’re absorbed by what’s in front.

You have to concentrate and really look at a scene. In the first shot of the last scenario there’s a stick poking up on the left. I didn’t really notice it to begin with. It wasn’t until I checked the shot in the LCD it became apparent.

So how do we remove it? Well obviously there’s Photoshop but I’m lazy. A few steps to the side will change the geometry of the image. It makes things align differently so you can lose unwanted clutter from the composition.

So besides making sure the light is appropriate for the scene, here are 3 landscape photography tips to consider.

  1. Take time – think of other possibilities for the location
  2. Find some foreground. It could make a world of difference
  3. Look to the side as well as in front. You might have missed something

These things are not functions of your camera. They are functions of you thinking like a photographer.


3 Landscape Tips

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